2025 Open House Schedule


St. Mary School
(203) 744-2922

Open House: Wednesday, January 22, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Visit stmarybethelct.org for more information.


Catholic Academy of Bridgeport
(203) 362-2983

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Visit catholicacademybridgeport.com for more information.

St. Andrew Academy | (203) 373-1552
St. Ann Academy | (203) 334-5856
St. Augustine Academy | (203) 266-6500
St. Raphael Academy | (203) 333-6818

Kolbe Cathedral High School
(203) 335-2554

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit kolbecaths.org more more information.


St. Gregory the Great School
(203) 748-1217

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Visit saintgregoryschool.org for more information.

St. Peter School
(203) 748-2895

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit stpeterschooldanbury.org for more information.

St. Joseph School
(203) 748-6615

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 10:30am-12:30pm
Visit sjsdanbury.org for more information.

Immaculate High School
(203) 744-1510

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit www.immaculatehs.org for more information.


Assumption Catholic School
(203) 334-6271

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 10:00am-12:00pm
Visit assumptionfairfield.org for more information.

St. Thomas Aquinas School
(203) 255-0556

Open House: Sunday, March 23, 10:00am-12:00pm
Visit stasonline.net for more information.

St. Catherine Academy
(203) 540-5381

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit stcatherineacademy.org for more information.


Greenwich Catholic School
(203) 869-4000

Open House: Thursday, January 9, 5:00pm-7:30pm
Visit gcsct.org for more information.


St. Rose of Lima School
(203) 426-5102

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Visit stroseschool.com for more information.


All Saints School
(203) 847-3881

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Visit allsaintsnorwalk.com for more information.


Saint Mary School
(203) 438-7288

Thursday, February 6, 9:30am (Preschool) | Thursday, February 27, 9:30 (Kindergarten)
Visit smsridgefield.org for more information.


Holy Trinity Catholic Academy
(203) 929-4422

Open House: Saturday, January 25, 10:00am-12:30pm
Visit holytrinitycatholicacademy.org for more information.


Catholic Academy of Stamford
(203) 322-6505

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Visit for CasCt.org more information.

Cardinal Kung Academy
(203) 329-8296

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit cardinalkungacademy.org for more information.


St. James School
(203) 375-5994

Open House: January 28, 29, and 30, 8:30am-11:00am.
Visit stjamesstratford.org for more information.

St. Mark School
(203) 375-4291

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 10:00am-12:00pm
Visit stmarkschool.org for more information.


St. Catherine of Siena School
(203) 375-1947

Open House: Sunday, January 26, 10:00am-12:00pm, and Wednesday, January 29, 8:30am-11:00am
Visit stcatherinesienatrumbull.org for more information.

St. Theresa School
(203) 268-3236

Open House: Tuesday, January 28, 9:30am-11:30pm
Visit sttheresaschooltrumbull.org for more information.

St. Joseph High School
(203) 378-9378

Personal tours available by appointment.
Visit sjcadets.org for more information.

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