Operations and Safety | Academics | DOB/HR | Catholic Identity/Extra Curricular |
Fire Drill | Schedule Social Studies PLC |
Bishop Scholarship Fund Applications Open | Debrief on CSW |
Open next year's Registration | Walk throughs | HS Budget Packets sent | Prepare for Spring Drama Production |
Plan Marketing Campaign | Administrator Evaluations begin | Lenten preparation confessions Teacher Retreat #2 |
Operations and Safety | Academics | DOB/HR | Catholic Identity/Extra Curricular |
Fire Drill | IOWA/CogAT Testing | Elementary Budgets packets sent | Ash Wednesday |
Acceptance letters sent | Walk throughs | BSF returning families applications due | Plan Track and Field |
Review financial reports with Board | Begin preparing for Summative Evaluations | Principal Meeting | |
Order ACRE materials | Remember Dr. Cheeseman's birthday! | ||
Letters of Intent distributed and collected |
Notre Dame of Easton Parish Hall
Operations and Safety | Academics | DOB/HR | Catholic Identity/Extra Curricular |
Fire Drill | New Teacher Observation #3 | Enrollment Reports | Administrator's Retreat |
Begin to plan Graduation activities | 3-5th year teacher observation #2 | NCEA Convention | |
All other Teacher observation due | BSF applications for new families due | ||
Schedule Specials PLC | |||
Review all testing data begin to plan for next school year |
ACRE Assessment for Grades 5, 8 and 12 | |||
Schedule IOWA debrief in PLC's. |
Location: TBD